The Heart Truth- Red Dress

Go deeper than the pink, go red. Go deeper than the breast, go to the heart.

Heart disease is the NUMBER ONE killer of women in the USA. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, and cultivate social relationships (make friends!); these will help save your heart. I know because I have CAD, coronary artery disease.

18 January 2010

Best "Thank You" Speech

I've enjoyed Robert Downey Jr. in movies since TUFF TURF many years ago. He's an amazingly talented actor. I've cheered him in CHAPLIN and IRON MAN and many other fun and great films (and a few turkeys.)
Currently, he is  enjoying a string of successes. Last night he won a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. He gave one of the best speeches I think I have ever heard. Good job, Mr. Downey- you rule!

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