The Heart Truth- Red Dress

Go deeper than the pink, go red. Go deeper than the breast, go to the heart.

Heart disease is the NUMBER ONE killer of women in the USA. Eat right, exercise, get enough sleep, and cultivate social relationships (make friends!); these will help save your heart. I know because I have CAD, coronary artery disease.

04 September 2009

prayers answered

Today is Friday and that means the local newspaper is delivered (in the mail!) It is a weekly that keeps us up to date on sports, deaths, and local events.
The sign at a Baptist church says "pray for rain" and this morning our prayers were answered. I awoke to thunder and rain. As promised to my students, I raised the blinds on my one classroom window (it is 6 ft wide and taller than that) and let us see the rain.

1 comment:

Gigi Ann said...

Talk about things in common, our football team is the "Tigers" also. LOL... I don't know if they won their game last night or not.

But, we are not dry, as far as weather goes, the week before this one we had 6 inches of rain in two days. There were flash floods in the area that week.

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